by accelerator | Dec 27, 2012 | Accounting, Business Development, Business Tips, Management Tips, Time Management Tips
For businesses with fiscal years that coincide with the calendar year, the slate of revenues and expenses will be wiped clean on New Year’s Day. Starting with a clean slate gives us a chance to reflect on our 2012 results before we enter 2013 and experience the hope...
by accelerator | Dec 13, 2012 | Accounting, Bookkeeping Tips, Business Tips, Management Tips, Time Management Tips
When you think of an accountant’s duties, you might think about traditional tasks, such as tax preparation, bookkeeping, and financial statement preparation. Here are five additional tasks that accountants can help with that you might not think of. 1. Evaluating...
by accelerator | Nov 15, 2012 | Business Tips, Management Tips, Time Management Tips
We know we’ll never make tax season your favorite time of year, but perhaps we can make it easier. Here are five things you can do now to smooth out the time required to pull your records together for your tax preparer. 1. Contractor Clean-up In preparation for...
by accelerator | Oct 18, 2012 | Business Development, Business Tips, Cost-Savings Tips, Management Tips, Payroll Tips
Running a business is filled with regulations everywhere you turn. These can drain precious time away from the core of your business, but if you ignore them, there could be huge financial consequences you may be risking without even realizing it. The best way to...
by accelerator | Oct 4, 2012 | Business Tips, Expense Reduction Tips, Management Tips, Profitability Tips
According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), over $3.5 trillion is projected to be lost to fraud worldwide in 2011 alone. The typical organization loses 5 percent of its revenues each year. While we have a lot to think about as entrepreneurs, we...
by accelerator | Sep 20, 2012 | Business Development, Business Tips, Decision-Making Tips, Management Tips, Time Management Tips
If you have an endless to-do list, you’re not alone these days. Most of us are constantly looking for ways to work smarter and get more done. Here are six quick tips to help your productivity so you can go home early. 1. Group tasks. If you have lots of errands to...